The American Legion Millard Post sponsors several Legion Baseball teams in the Millard area. For more information on Legion Baseball, visit http://www.nebraskalegion.net/Programs/LegionBaseball.html.
The American Legion Cornhusker Boys State is held annually during the summer before the senior year of high school, typically during the first week of June, on the main campus of the University of Nebraska in Lincoln. The Millard Post will select high-school juniors to attend the program and pay to sponsor those individuals. If you are interested in attending, please contact the Millard Legion Post, your high school principal, guidance counselor, or government teacher.
To learn more about The American Legion Cornhusker Boys State, visithttp://www.nebraskalegion.net/Programs/BState.html.
The American Legion Department of Nebraska Youth Cadet Law Enforcement Program is held annually during the summer before the senior year of high school, typically during the middle of June, at the Nebraska State Patrol Training Academy in Grand Island. Completed applications and an endorsement from your school principal or superintendent must be submitted to your the Millard American Legion Post Commander before March 1st. If you are interested in attending, please contact the Millard Legion Post, your high school principal or guidance counselor. For more information about the Youth Cadet Law Enforcement Program, visit www.nebraskalegion.net/Programs/JRLaw.html.
The purpose of The American Legion High School Oratorical Scholarship Program is to develop a deeper knowledge and appreciation of the Constitution of the United States on the part of high school students. Other objectives of the contest include the development of leadership qualities, the ability to think and speak clearly and intelligently, and the preparation for acceptance of the duties and responsibilities, the rights and privileges of American citizenship.
Interested high school students first compete at the local American Legion Post level, with the winner advancing to the District contest. District contest winners then advance to Area competition and the four Area winners advance to the State Finals held each January in conjunction with The American Legion, Department of Nebraska Mid-year Conference.
There is no application for this competition. Interested participants should contact their local high school Guidance Counselor, Speech Instructor or Millard American Legion Post. For more information about the oratorical contest, visit http://www.nebraskalegion.net/Programs/Oratorical.html.
The Millard 374 American Legion awards scholarships to high school graduates who are the children or grandchildren of Post 374 members who have at least two years of paid membership.
The American Legion's support for Boy Scouts of America began at the Legion's first national convention in 1919. Today, Legion posts sponsor more than 2,500 scouting units across the country. This is natural for Legionnaires, who bring their service-learned skills and experiences as veterans to help build character and positive traits in our country’s youth. Few other post activities generate more goodwill from the community.
The Legion annually honors the Eagle Scout of the Year at the national convention. The winner of the competition receives a $10,000 scholarship, and the three runners-up are each awarded $2,500 scholarships. For more information visit American Legion Eagle Scout of the Year Scholarship.
The Square Knot Award recognizes members of the American Legion family who are dedicated to and actively involved in furthering the Boy Scouts of America program. The recipient receives a certificate and a gold and purple square knot that may be worn on a Scout uniform. The national commander also presents a congratulatory letter. For more information, visit the American Legion Square Knot Award page.
The Millard Post 374 Honor Guard provides dignified military honors to fellow veterans who have passed on. For more information on the Millard Honor Guard, visit the Honor Guard web page.
The Post 374 Color Guard participates in numerous acitivites including parades, festivals, and other community events. For more information on the Millard Color Guard, visit the Color Guard web page.